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About Us 

The Garden is my place of tranquility and joy.  For 19 years I have been working to establish a business that was not just retail but a source of loving energy that impacts others lives.  In a world that teaches us to live always in a high vibrational state I want to teach that energy should come from a place of steady, calm vibrations that enhance harmony and love of life.  Each order we take the time to set the intentions of the crystals to work specifically with the person ordering the crystals.  I do believe by taking these extra steps we bring about a harmonious energy that is felt by the receiver.  My wish for all is love and light and the passion for life.  So to each of you that makes the choice to purchase from us, please know that we send you crystals that have been cleansed and energized with love.   From my family to yours, blessings of light and love!

-Tandy Chaszar

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